Impressum:This website is under the responsibility of:Horst Decker, Kirchbergstr.37, 63691 Ranstadt,Tel.:00496035-1403, USt.-ID: DE 2258749. Terms of Business | deutsch |
This site gives You an oversight on the documents and objects fo the period 1950-1960, we rent to museums, scientific institutions for exibitions and research.
Alltogehter, we hold about 40.000 historical objects and documents from about 1880 to 1970. About 14.000 are already entered in our database, that you find as complete as it is on our website (movieprop).
Please understand, that we do not rent out items to private persons, but only to scientific institutes, to museums, to photographers and to the commercial movie-industry.
Even there is the restriction that we can rely, there is no risque of damage, loss or theft, as we want to preserve the items for the coming generations as samples for human creativity and doing.
But we offer to produce copies of our genuine items, to cover the needs of moviemaking.
In this case, the mentioned prices are not relevant, but our actual production costs.
As the risques, being bound to the kinds of use, differs, we equalise this by different rental-periods for different usings:price is valid for movie-making per day of use
for photographing per project
for museums and other scientific institutes per month
We also produce e-photos or scans with a solution of 600x600px, which we send by email to any serious demand. For this we charge 8,- Euros per picture, which must be paid in advance to our German bank-account or to our international paypal account.
Within the objects and documents, there are items of the Third Reich and in connection to all German organisations of that time. With this objects or copies of it, we do only supply intentions and projects, which are in no doubt not supplying or carrying the ideas and political aims of this time and thinking.
All prices are subject to VAT, unless they are exported.